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Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s day to all our followers!

Some of our Tree Toppers made beautiful cards last week for their lovely families. At the same time, they were practicing handwriting, upper limb, balance and many other areas (such as the card below).

Here are some fun facts about this special day:

It is a day when people show their affection for another person or by sending cards, flowers or chocolates with messages of love.

The day gets its name from a famous saint, but there are many stories of who he was. The most popular was about St Valentine is that he was a priest from Rome in the third century AD. Emperor Claudius II banned marriage because he thought married men made bad soldiers. Valentine felt this was totally unfair, so, he broke all the rules and arranged lots of marriages in secret! When Emperor Claudius found out, poor Valentine was thrown in jail and then sentenced to death. It was there that he fell in love with the jailer’s daughter. When he was going to be executed on 14 February, he sent her a love letter signed “from your Valentine”. Happy Valentine’s Day!

We would also like to send birthday wishes to all of you who have a birthday today. Have fun!

For tips on how to help handwriting check out the following links:

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