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Tip of the Week

Summer shutdown fun activities

Summer shutdown fun activities – have a go! They will help all six areas on the flyer plus much more. Fine motor skills Gross motor skills Ocular motor skills (vision) Ball skills Social skills Hand-eye coordination For many more summer shutdown fun activities, pop over to our Facebook for lots of daily posts to help…

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New Year’s Eve Sensory Tips!

New Year’s Eve Sensory Tips – we know sometimes on New Year’s Eve, some families have a tradition where they set off some fireworks to see in the New Year. However, fireworks can be an unexpected stress problem for our children with sensory processing issues. Here are some ideas to combat the difficulties this evening…

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SOS Approach to Feeding – Sensory

Our feeding room in our Stockton Clinic enables us to offer Sequential Oral Sensory (SOS) Food Therapy for both individuals and groups of children. This specialised treatment from America is highly successful in addressing feeding difficulties from “picky to problem feeders”. We are one of the few places in the UK to offer the SOS…

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Snippet – Sensory Overload Christmas Tips

Christmas carol singing, decorating the good old Christmas tree, visiting Santa, lots of different foods, colourful lights, visiting friends and relatives, opening parcels – sounds fabulous doesn’t it? Not for every one though! The Christmas period can be fun and exciting for others but for our SPD children, it can also bring added stress, anxiety,…

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Christmas and the Sensory Child

Over the festive period, some of our children will find it particularly challenging in the areas mentioned below. First we have the sensory seeker who has a heightened need for sensory input or they will even seek out sensory experiences in order to fulfill this need ie seeking loud noises, fast movements, strong smells or…

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Red flags – sensory under responsive

You will often find this child sitting quietly and self-contained. They can also be dormant and show little or on reaction to stimulation. Check it out. Don’t forget to pop over to our Facebook page for more information:

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Red flags – Dyspraxia

Dyspraxia – also known as Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD). This affects the child’s physical coordination and daily activities in relation to age and appear clumsy. If you need any more information, check out our Facebook page:

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