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Review – Food Assessment

Review – food assessment. Mum would like to send a message to our food therapy expert, Ellen, on the way she conducted the food therapy assessment with her daughter yesterday. The Tree Tops team are over the moon that mum found it very insightful and look forward to seeing you both very soon. Thank you…

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Review – eager to get started each week!

What such lovely news when you hear one of our Tree Toppers cannot wait to come to his sessions each week. We have seen massive improvements in our young Tree Topper and it is wonderful to know the activities are very beneficial and being used on a daily basis. Mum also reported significant improvements in…

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Review – Massive progress!

It is absolutely wonderful to hear how much progress N has made during his treatment sessions. When a child knows what sensory tools they can use to aid regulation, this is just amazing! Mum has reported significant improvements in N’s: N also admitted it had helped him in many different areas. Keep up with the…

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Review – Positive family experience

What a fantastic review! Parents are thrilled with A’s progress over the 11 weeks. We are hoping to help with A’s transition into school in September. Mum said A had enjoyed coming to Tree Tops but had also improved significantly, especially in his: It is fantastic to hear such good news and we look forward…

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Review – Eager to see the activities

G said that Sam made some fun toys during their sessions. He also said he felt more confident and that his balance and strength improved. Mum explained G had made significant improvements in his:- Keep up the good work G as you will go from strength to strength!

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Review – Support, Developing

Mum reported that significant improvements had been seen in L’s: We are thrilled to hear L has made such improvements but also that he enjoyed his sessions with us. L also said he felt more confident and happier after coming to Tree Tops. Fantastic news! Keep up the good work!

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Testimonial – North East School (February 2024)

There’s nothing better than having a lovely group of teachers who enjoy our Think Sensory Not Behaviour staff training. Well done to you all. We could see just how much fun you had but also the tips you took away for your classrooms. Keep us posted on how you get on!

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Review – Tree Tops is great!

Seeing so many significant improvements with your son is wonderful. He has enjoyed coming to Tree Tops and even said he felt better, feeling more confident in school. You are all going in the right direction but you know we are here any time.

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Review – personalised and tailored support

By working on the home programme regularly, you will definitely see more difference in T and it will help him in the school environment. You mentioned significant improvements in lots of areas such as: Don’t forget to keep in touch and gives us regular updates!

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