Our Credentials
Aycliffe Clinic: Eldon Road, Aycliffe Business Park, DL5 6UL
Stockton Clinic: 46 Durham Road, Stockton on Tees, TS19 0BS
Tree Tops believes in children reaching their maximum potential. Therefore all our therapy staff maintain and upgrade their clinical skills by participating and attending regular courses to ensure our practice is one of the best.
Between our dedicated team, we have over 50 years of experience in the field of paediatrics working with schools, NHS and treating children within our sensory integration (SI) clinic.
Our qualified Occupational Therapists are State Registered and have undergone Post Graduate Sensory Integration (SI) training either through Liverpool or Ulster Universities to accredited levels through SI Network UK, Levels 1 and 2. New staff are encouraged and supported to undertake SI training to develop a solid theoretical and practical knowledge needed to analyse and treat children. We also have a staff member trained in the SOS Approach to Feeding.
All our therapy staff regularly attend extensive in-house and external training events to continue their professional development to the standards of the Royal College of Occupational Therapy. This encompasses many aspects of sensory processing difficulties and various conditions of:-
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Developmental Co-ordination Disorder (DCD)
- Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- Learning Difficulties
- Down Syndrome
- Sensory Processing Disorders
Courses from:-
- Sensory Processing
- Listening With The Whole Body
- Handwriting Without Tears
- The Alert Programme
- SPD And Feeding Difficulties
- Sequential Oral Sensory Approach To Feeding
- Neuroscience
- Visual Perception
Our in-depth clinical "hands on" skills and knowledge of effective researched interventions with children ensure we can confidently offer programmes and advice to schools, parents and other professionals that will have a positive impact on the child's functioning.
All of our staff have police clearance to work with children and Tree Tops has professional indemnity/insurance
“Our primary goal as Occupational Therapists is to enable the child to do things that will enhance their ability to participate, or modify the environment to better support participation”. (World Federation of Occupational Therapists).
Please Note:
Tree Tops Children's Occupational Therapy is a private company with Occupational Therapists who are the same as NHS Occupational Therapists whereby we cannot practice without being State Registered to the Health Care and Professional Council (HCPC). We are also bound by the Codes of Ethics and Professional Standards as set by the Royal College of Occupational Therapists (RCOT). Therefore any recommendations we make have to be in the child's best interests and supported fully by our clinical judgement and expertise.
For more information, please click on the links below:
Associated members of the following:
Get In Touch!

British Association of Occupational Therapists

Environmental Pledge

SI Practitioner

RCOT Specialist Section – Independent Practice

Sensory Integration Network

Parliamentary Review Best Practice Representative

ASIP Member

RCOT Specialist Section – Children, Young People and families

The Health Care & Professions Council (HCPC)

Star Institute for SPD (USA)

We Offer Testing To Our Staff
Children's Occupational Therapy North East
Tree Tops Occupational Therapy Ltd are an established service with an outstanding reputation for children's occupational therapy and sensory integration expertise.
Based in County Durham and Stockton, we work in partnership with families, schools and health professionals across the North East to make a difference to children’s lives by improving their ability to achieve as well as their general happiness and wellbeing.
Get In Touch
Please get in touch with us if you have any queries about our services, we are always here to help.
General: hello@treetopsot.co.uk
Schools: business@treetopsot.co.uk
Aycliffe Clinic
Eldon Road
Newton Aycliffe
Co Durham
Stockton Clinic
46 Durham Road
TS19 0BS
Connect With Us
We post lots of useful information and tips on our Facebook Page to help make a difference to children's lives, why not connect with us and join in the conversation.
© Tree Tops Occupational Therapy Limited, 2024
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