Talented Artist – one of our very own
The Tree Tops team wanted to mention the calendar we have annually in our Reception at Aycliffe.
James (30) came to Tree Tops when he was younger. He has ASD, learning disabilities and SPD. He has a real talent for art (as you can see from the pictures).
James has one to one art lessons with one of his PA’s each Thursday afternoon and he paints during those sessions. He sells his calendars and the profit made goes to social care provisions/charities he accesses. This year he will be donating to the Shaw Trust, Vision 25 and SNAPS. He also does gardening at the Shaw Trust each Thursday morning and Fridays – check them out on Facebook to see how they support local adults with learning disabilities and ASD (see link below).
We think you will be agreeing with our team when we say just how talented James is. Well done James! We think you are absolutely amazing!

Don’t forget to practice handwriting and do some finger exercises to help this area. Click on the link below for some ideas: