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Posts Tagged ‘sensoryintegration’

Review – positive assessment

This is what Tree Tops is here for. To hear such lovely comments on how we have helped this young lady gives us immense pleasure. Understanding your child’s daily presentation is just the beginning as you will gain lots of knowledge to help her even more. See you soon.

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Improvements in Behaviour

It is always good to hear that our Tree Toppers enjoy their sessions because we also have fun in them too! J was an absolute pleasure to have in our care and to see the improvements he has made is tremendous. Keep going with the home programme and don’t forget to come back soon for…

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How can you tell if your child has weak core muscles?

So, how can you tell if your child has weak core muscles? Well, there are many ways in which you can tell. Have a read of the flyer below. There are lots of tips to help too! A simple hand activity can help with handwriting such as playing with play dough. Even learning to…

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What is a sensory motor home programme?

One of our parents have asked the following question which is often mentioned to our team by other parents/carers. “My son is starting treatment in two weeks time. The OT mentioned we will be given a home programme. Why is this?” What is a sensory motor home programme? The sensory motor home programme consolidates what…

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Facebook Page Review from a follower

Our Facebook is there to help one and all. However, to receive a Facebook page review from a follower to say how much it has helped them especially throughout lockdown, is just tremendous! A couple of days ago, our team received this wonderful message from one of our followers. Mum said, “Can I take this…

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What is Heavy Work?

What is heavy work (proprioceptive work)? Can it help a sensory child who seeks proprioceptive input? Does it help with calming or anxiety?

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