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Mothering Sunday

Mothering Sunday – this poem is from the Tree Tops team to all the mothers throughout the world. We love you.

We’re also dedicating this to all the mothers not with us any more but walk beside us daily.

A very special day

Mothering Sunday – where did it come from?

On the fourth Sunday of Lent, countries from around the world will celebrate Mothering Sunday. This is when lots of people give their mum’s gifts or love and attention, celebrating those who have raised us or lived with us throughout our lives.

During the 16th century, Mothering Sunday was not about mothers but more about the church. People would make the journey to the “mother” church once a year either beside their home or even the nearest cathedral or parish church in a larger town or city. The service would celebrate the coming together at the “mother” church of all families.

Another tradition was letting people have this day off to visit their mothers and go to church as it was a family occasion. Family get togethers were rare during this time so it was a great celebration.

Simnel cake has a connection to Mothering Sunday. It is also associated with Spring and of course, Easter. The name Simnel could also come from the Latin word simila which means “a fine what flour usually used for baking a cake”. There is a legend that a man called Simon and his wife Nell argued over whether the cake for Mothering Sunday needed to be boiled or baked. In the end, they actually did both so the cake was apparently named after both of them! Sim-Nell!

Whatever you are up to today, look after your mothers. They are one in a million and we take our hat off to them for looking after us!

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