Merry Christmas from all the team!

It’s Christmas Eve!

There will be lots of preparation going on in our households today ready for the big day tomorrow. However, do spare a thought for our sensory/autistic children who find this time of year overwhelming and can cause lots of anxiety.

Here are a few pointers to remember to help keep our children regulated and hopefully enjoy the festive celebrations without sensory overload:

* Keep to your routine as much as possible.
* Enjoy short and simple activities
* Take a sensory toolbox wherever you go
* Leave early if required
* Lots of praise for your child
* Keep a quiet room/space available if it’s too much
* Use visual timetables/social stories
* Open presents over a few days if necessary
* Remember they can still be faddy eaters (take a lunchbox)!
* Stick to your child’s sensory diet as much as you can

Finally, the staff at Tree Tops will all be tracking Santa at Norad throughout the day. We’ve added the link below because it is very interactive and above all, fun!

Where is Santa now? Tell us!

#Norad #Santa #ChristmasEve #NoradTracksSanta #onesleep

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